San Francisco’s fabulous neighborhood, the Castro District, is getting a Rainbow Brite makeover.
The residents of this LGBTQ friendly ‘hood wanted to add some pizzazz to the four barren gray crosswalks (yawn) in the Castro's18th St. intersection. Votes were cast and the decision was made! Construction has already started (yay!), but not everyone is super stoked. Some fear that the rainbow stripes will look too cartoonish. Others think that rainbows are too good for corners featuring dull corporate superstores like Walgreen’s and Bank of America.
On the flip side, San Francisco is being gentrified to the max right now and rainbox sidewalks help to bring some weirdness back to the city that once prided itself on weirdness. Also, with all the anti-gay backlash in Russia and Nigeria it's nice to have a visual reminder that it's perfectly wonderful to love whomever you choose.
Image: plan for the rainbow-ified crosswalks courtesy of Castrobiscuit